Current Offerings

Varicose Vein & Spider Vein Treatments

Varicose veins are swollen, bulging veins that mostly occur on the legs. They are caused by the vein walls or vein valves being weakened or damaged causing blood to pool and often flow backward. This causes the disfigurement of the vein itself.

Initially, a consultation and ultrasound with Dr Liz Onley will assess your condition and a comprehensive treatment plan with associated costs will be provided to you. 

Treatment Options

Dr Liz Onley offers different medical treatments to care for vein issues. Sometimes, more than one type of treatment is required.  An initial assessment with Dr Onley will determine the right type of treatment for your particular condition and you will be given full details and costs at this assessment.

The types of treatment available at BMLA are Sclerotherapy and Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA) and these treatments are most often used together to effectively treat vein conditions.


Sclerotherapy is a very effective method of treating both spider and varicose veins, with up to 90% of injected veins reducing in size and colour with treatments.  Veins are injected with specific chemicals which disrupt the lining of the veins being treated, ultimately eliminating the vein itself.  For deeper nonvisible veins, this treatment is completed under the guidance of an ultrasound.

Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA)

EVLA is an alternative to surgical vein stripping for treatment of major varicose veins. It is minimally invasive and involves a laser being inserted into the vein and the vein exposed to high temperature to close it down.  Local anaesthetic is used to ensure the comfort of the patient.  Long term success rates with EVLA are up to 98%.

There is minimal downtime with this procedure and most people can return to work the day of treatment.

  • Some bruising and tenderness is to be expected after both Sclerotherapy and EVLA treatments. We offer products that will assist with bruising. You will need to wear compression stockings for 14 days after receiving Sclerotherapy or Endovenous Laser Ablation treatment. Walking up to 45 minutes per day is encouraged. You will be given post treatment instructions to follow and reference material. Dr Liz will be available to address any urgent queries or concerns after treatment.

  • Dr Onley provides a comprehensive overview of treatment at an initial consultation and you will be advised of any complications that can occur before undertaking any treatment. Serious complications are very rare and you will be reviewed regularly after your treatment to make sure that you are not experiencing any complications without appropriate care.

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